EBS Pedelec Gepäckträgerakku 36V mit 14Ah oder 17,5Ah

This elegant and easy-to-install battery contains very high-quality that guarantee a high... altro

This elegant and easy-to-install battery contains very high-quality that guarantee a high volumetric energy density. We recommend this battery for usual discharge currents of 15A, that are especially suitable to supply all conversion kits up to 250 W. For larger motors with a need for higher power or shorter charging time we recommend high rate discharge capable batteries from our product line.

This battery is mounted to a special pannier rack which is not included in the delivery. You can add this rack to your purchase.


Special Properties

  • only 2.9 kg (6.2lbs) including mount at up to 13.6Ah rated discharge current
  • includes charger and mount
  • Fully charged in 4 to 6 hours
  • lockable
  • nicely crafted housing
  • Possible 700 charging cycles according to manufacturer (careful handling provided)
  • recommended for 15A discharge current.
  • Cell-balancing with intelligent BMS (Battery Management System)
  • Splash-protected and shock-proof composite shell


Battery range*
Capacity Minimum range Maximum range
9.6Ah 40km (25mls) in hilly terrain 70km (43.5mls) in the flats
11.6Ah 50km (30mls) in hilly terrain 85km (53mls) in the flats
13.6Ah 60km (37mls) in hilly terrain 100 km (62mls) in the flats
*non-binding estimates for a trekking bike and usual amount of pedalling calculated based on our own experience. Can vary significantly depending on terrain, riding style, type of bike and weather.
Technical data 9.6Ah 11.6Ah 13.6Ah
Voltage 36V 36V 36V
Capacity 9.6Ah 11.6Ah 13.6Ah
Energy 324Wh 417Wh 498Wh
continuous withstand power 15A 15A 15A
Cell type well-known brand manufacturer Panasonic Panasonic
Battery weight 2.4kg 2.4kg 2.4kg
Weight of mounting bracket 0.5kg 0.5kg 0.5kg
Weight of charging device 0.5kg 0.5kg 0.5kg
Charging cycles up to 700 charging cycles up to 700 charging cycles up to 700 charging cycles
charging current 2.35A 2.35A 2.35A
Cable length 140cm 140cm 140cm

All types of batteries use identical housings.

Battery dimensions (all types) Battery including mount (all types)
length 320mm length 342mm
width 148mm width 148mm
thickness 55mm thickness 59mm
Akku Reichweite* Kapazität Mindestreichweite Maximale Reichweite 14... altro
Akku Reichweite*
Kapazität Mindestreichweite Maximale Reichweite
14 Ah 60 km in hügeligem Gelände 100 km in der Ebene
*Unverbindliche Schätzwerte für ein Trekkingrad und bei normalem Mittreten, errechnet auf Grundlage unserer Erfahrung. Können je nach Terrain, Fahrverhalten, Fahrrad und Wetterverhältnissen stark abweichen.
Technische Daten 14 Ah
Spannung 36 V
Kapazität 14 Ah
Energie 504 Wh
Dauerbelastbarkeit 15 A
Zellentyp Panasonic
Gewicht Akku 2,4 kg
Gewicht Halterung 0,5 kg
Gewicht Ladegerät 0,5 kg
Entladestrom bis maximal 10 Minuten 18 Amax
Ladestrom Ladegerät 4 Amax
Kabellänge 140 cm


Abmessungen 14 Ah Akku 14 Ah Akku mit Halterung
Länge 320 mm Länge 342 mm
Breite 148 mm Breite 148 mm
Höhe 55 mm Höhe 59 mm

Ihre Set-Auswahl

Aktuelle Konfiguration:
0,00 € *

Prezzi incl. IVA più spese di spedizione

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